
Exploring Our Top 4 Hardest Puzzles

Image is a header graphic for the blog post and reads, "Try our Most Challenging Puzzles". Also pictured is a difficulty meter that is maxed out, additionally there is a stick figure opposed against a puzzle piece with a "vs." in the middle to depict the challenge a puzzle brings. Image is placed on a white patterned background with a SiamMandalay logo watermark.

One of the most beautiful things about puzzles is the wide variety that they come in. From form, to objective, to difficulty, there are so many ways that two puzzles can differ from one another. From the outside, they might appear the same, but on the inside, they can have different mechanisms, different numbers of pieces, or even differently shaped pieces that can make solving one far more difficult than the other. Examining a puzzle just from the outside or by its looks is not a very reliable way to gauge its difficulty. The only real way to discover the difficulty of a puzzle is to either get your hands on it and try for yourself, or by listening to someone who has.

If you are in the market for complex or challenging puzzles but aren’t quite sure how to go about it, then you are in the right place. We work with puzzles every day, and between trying them and hearing feedback from customers, we have a pretty good idea of which are the hardest. For some people there can be concern about ending up with a puzzle that is too difficult, but not to worry. We know that the toughest puzzle in the world isn’t for everybody, which is why in this blog we will outline some of the hardest puzzles that we currently have in stock as of December 2024. Each of these puzzles is realistically achievable for experienced puzzlers, so know that all of these puzzles can definitely be solved. If you encounter any trouble along the way, or are still looking for which puzzle is the hardest, don’t be afraid to consult the solution sheet included with your puzzle, or view the video guides on our website here for a better idea.


A long winding string connects 27 small unit cubes, and your job is to fold it and twist it all back together into a 3x3x3 cube again. This puzzle is exceptionally difficult due to the nature of its objective. Turning and twisting all the cubes back together is a serious challenge because of how the string is run through the pieces. Awkwardly shaped clumps of cubes are combined together and the solution requires contorting them in every direction. Thankfully, you can get a pretty good idea of whether you are on the right track when the cube shape begins taking form.


Sliding piece puzzles require moving a series of pieces correctly in order to unlock the solution, and Setting Sun is no different. This classic Klotski style puzzle can be completed in as few as 73 moves if done perfectly, but that would require some serious logical and spatial reasoning skills to make happen on the first try. Slide the blocks around and try to navigate the big red circle down to the bottom of the puzzle in order to win. 


The perfect gift item for any gathering or get together with adults. Our Wine Challenge puzzle is a great way to frustrate your friends and finally prove your intellectual superiority. This disentanglement puzzle has a locking mechanism around the top of the bottle; you and your friends’ task is to unlock it and free the bottle. Only once it has been solved can everyone enjoy the wine from inside. Locked with a string puzzle, your job is to disentangle the string, wooden balls, and blocks in order to undo the lock and release the top. This puzzle is most often attempted by groups of adults, hence its increased difficulty; try solving it alone or work together with friends to overcome this perplexing puzzle. 


Boasting 24 identical pieces, this puzzle takes some serious thought and consideration to assemble. Constructing the complex shape around the center ball isn’t easy, and neither is releasing it. Double Lock-a-Ball is a burr puzzle, and the only one among them to make this list. It is also our larger and more difficult version of Lock-a-BallIts interchangeable pieces lead to issues constructing and orienting all the pieces properly, making it difficult to fit everything together properly. Maybe one piece is oriented wrongly, rotated more than it should be, or maybe it even went missing while disassembling. Realizing where you went wrong and correcting it early is key to succeeding with Double Lock-a-Ball. Keep your wits about you, and the solution handy for this one!

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