
Monkey-Pod Trees: From Tropical Roots to Timeless Creations

Image displays a tree over a green background. With the words Monkey-Pod Wood, Strength, Sustainability, and Stunning Beauty overlaid on it. Also pictured are various other puzzles made from monkey-pod

Background on monkey-pod

Monkey-pod trees (Pithecellobium saman) are native to Central and South America. Originating from modern-day Mexico, Guatemala, Peru, Bolivia, and Brazil primarily. Thanks to their adaptability though, they have been propagated and naturalized in the tropics all around the world. This is due to the wide range of climates and ecosystems that they are able to flourish in. Its hard moisture resistant exterior helps to prevent attacks from insects and animals, while also preventing rot by keeping out moisture. Enabling it to grow in all kinds of tropical environments from wet, rainy biomes to drier more arid ones as well. Each part of the world that monkey-pod trees grow in give different characteristics to the wood it produces. Some parts of the world grow brighter colored monkey-pod, others produce harder wood, and others are more difficult to work with.

Commonly known as raintrees, monkey-pods have several names all around the world. The name raintree comes from the old belief that the tree would produce rain at night. This is likely a result of the unique behavior of the leaves on the monkey-pod tree. Under darkness or heavy-cloud cover, when the leaves are not receiving sunlight, they curl up, which allows rain and water to pass through the canopy. In conjunction with rain passing through, the tree also adds lots of nitrogen to the soil through the decomposition of its legumes which keeps the grass and plants within its shade healthy and thriving. Further lending to the idea that the tree waters the ground beneath it.

Conversely, the name monkey-pod has two primary theories for where it came from. The first being a literal and logical derivation of its scientific name, Pithecellobium, which means “monkey earring” in Greek. Another theory posits that the name came from the fact that monkeys would often gather in the trees to eat the sweet seed pods the tree produces.

What do monkey-pod trees look like?

Typically, monkey-pod trees grow to heights of around 50-80 feet (15-25 meters). Although in some climates, like in Trinidad for example, the trees can reach well over 100 feet in height. Monkey-pod trees also boast a broad umbrella-like canopy. This crown of horizontally growing branches tends to have diameters which exceed the height of the tree, often somewhere around 80-100 feet (25-30 meters). As a result, monkey-pod trees are often used for the shade that they provide. As mentioned before, the color of the trees can vary considerably depending on the region where they are grown, but they generally maintain a darker reddish-brown hue, with notably brighter sapwood. The appearance of the wood is often noted as looking similar to mahogany.

Why do we use monkey-pod wood for our puzzles?

We use monkey-pod wood for our puzzles and games because it is simply the perfect wood for the job, for lots of reasons. First and foremost is its availability and sustainability. Monkey-pod trees can be farmed and cultivated which prevents the need for mass deforestation like some other timber. Additionally, they are extremely fast growing, reaching maturity sometimes in as few as four years.

The nature of the tree is also vital to what makes it such an excellent choice for our puzzles. Monkey-pod trees don’t have a lot of oil or resin, which makes it much easier to glue and finish the wood. What’s more, the wood’s moisture resistance, strength, and durability make it a great choice as it lasts a long time and is resistant to rot or discoloration. These features are why monkey-pod is used for all kinds of applications, not just puzzles. Indoor/outdoor furniture, flooring, plywood, musical instruments, kitchen cabinets and more are all common uses for its wood. Monkey-pod is commonly used in furniture due to its many positive attributes. Its typically straight grain makes it an easy wood to work with, and less likely to dry out. It is a great wood to withstand severe weather and is one of the most versatile woods there is, especially in its premium grades.

Monkey-pod wood is also the perfect wood for our puzzles because of its beautiful coloring, and quality feel. It is a hard dense wood, making it satisfying to hold and handle. Reddish and dark brown hue-tones give it a unique appearance that sets it apart from other wooden products. When it comes to choosing a certain type of wood for any application there are many factors to consider. Its abundance, price, look, feel, properties, and workability all play a key role in making a certain wood right for the job. We only use premium grade monkey-pod wood which is the best of the best when it comes to all applications. Regarding wooden puzzles, monkey-pod is the clear choice. Thanks to its versatility, sustainability, and utility, it checks all the boxes for us, so that we can have the best product for you. 

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